Pablo Blasberg was born in Buenos Aires in 1970. As a teenager he studied painting with Naum Goijman, and drawing with Carlos Garaycochea. At the age of 16 he began to publish his first works as an illustrator, and at 18 he joined the newspaper Clarín as a cartoonist. For a decade he worked on the editorial staff of the most widely circulated newspapers in Argentina: Clarín (1988 / 1993) and La Nación (1993 / 1998), illustrating daily news items.
In 1998 he settled in Madrid, and from there he began to publish his work in Europe, both in newspapers and in magazines and books. He was a permanent contributor to the Spanish newspapers El Mundo, El País and ABC.
In 2004 he returned to Argentina, from where he continued to publish his work internationally through the English agency Ikon-Images. Between 2005 and 2015 he illustrated the main body of Diario Clarín. Between 2009 and 2019 he illustrated the daily editorial page of El Diario de la República. Between 2011 and 2015 he wrote and drew the graphic humour comic strip “Barman, el mozo”, in the Diario Muy of the Clarín group.
In the teaching field, he has written more than 300 journalistic articles in the magazines Macworld, Personal Computer, PC Today and ComputerHoy on design techniques and digital illustration. He gives lectures and trainings in universities and companies all over the country. He is currently an illustrator and Head of Infographics at the National News Agency Télam.
Since 2000 he has been developing a plastic work, in parallel to his work as an illustrator. He has attended the workshops of the masters Carlos Uría, Fernando O’Connor, Miguel Ronsino and Juan Astica.
- 1989 | “Clarín Contest for illustrators and caricaturists” > Second Prize
- 1990 | “Biennial of Young Art” Buenos Aires City > First Prize
- 2020 | “43º Anual Contest of Painting Enrique José de Larrañaga”> Special Mention
- 2022 | “37th Painting Exhibition, Mercedes Bar Association” > Special Mention
- 2023 | “To be or not to be”, Talía Theater (Mercedes, BA.)
- 2023 | “From figuration to abstraction”, Cueto Art Studio Gallery (Mercedes, BA.)
- 2022 | “Humor en Cuadritos”, Cueto Art Studio Gallery (Mercedes, BA)
- 2022 | Annual Painting Exhibition (Mercedes, BA) Selected.
- 2019 | “Creative Processes” Drawings and Paintings. Municipal Art Museum MAMM (Mercedes, BA)
- 2013 | “Journalism without Words”, Víctor Miguez Historical Museum (Mercedes, BA.)
- 2013 | “Let’s put out the abuse”. Travelling exhibition that began in the Community of Madrid to commemorate the Day against Gender Violence. It travelled throughout Spain, Portugal and some European capitals.
- 2010 | “Editorial Illustration”, illustrations in Vía Rivadavia (San Luis)
- 2009 | “Graforismos” Complejo Cultural Ameghino Marín (Mercedes, BA.)
- 2008 | “Graforismos” Caravaggio Art Gallery (CABA)
- 2007 | Painting Exhibition “Graforismos” Primer Piso Art Gallery (CABA)
- 2001 | Biennial of Graphic Humour “Quevedos” (Madrid, Spain)
- 1999 | “El tercer milenio” University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain)